Forgotten Diseases Research Foundation


Postnatal Growth

The curves on this page were created from a cohort study of healthy term neonates born at Kathmandu Medical College Training Hospital(1). The charts are for both sexesm as the sample size of the study was very small, 81 (45 males and 36 females). The charts created also include a line of comparison of the mean weight, height and head circumference of affluent Indian children (2) with those of the Nepalese children

Head Circumference


  1. 1. Manandhar K et al. (2004) One year follow up study of term babies born in Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital. Kathmandu Univ Med Jour 2(4):286-290. Abstract on PubMed.
  2. 2. Agarwal D K et al. (1994) Physical growth in affluent Indian children (birth to 6 years). Indian Pediatr 31(4): 377-413. Abstract on PubMed.

Page last modified on 18 April 2022.