Forgotten Diseases Research Foundation


Postnatal Growth

The charts below were created as part of a two national studies that were reported in one publication (1). The study of younger children (0-6 years) was performed in the year 2000 by the Singaporean National Healthcare Group Polyclinics. This organization is a government-affiliated nationwide healthcare provider with polyclinics in a variety of locations in Singapore. Data was gathered from >19,000 children who visited all of the polyclinics.

The study of older children (4-18 years) was performed in 2002 by the National Health Board, another government agency. Data was gathered from ~14,000 children in 24 schools (10 primary, 10 secondary, and 4 junior colleges).



Head Circumference


GUSTO (Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes) is a large study of mothers and infants in Singapore. Its goal is to study how the way that mothers eat and live during pregnancy affects their babies' growth after birth. The study gathers data from mothers and children from pregnancy until the child is age 3. A major goal of the study is for public health authorities to get a better understanding of how diseases like obesity, diabetes, allergies, etc. develop in Singapore. The link at right will take you to the project's home page.


  1. 1. Loke KY et al. (2008) 3rd College of Paediatrics and Child Health lecture - the past, the present and the shape of things to come.... Ann Hum Biol 32(5):639-649. Abstract on PubMed.

Page last modified on 18 April 2022.