Forgotten Diseases Research Foundation

Sri Lanka

Size at Birth by Gestational Age

The data in the curves below was obtained from study of 1,325 healthy singleton babies (993 Sinhalese and 332 Moor; 1). Due to the relatively small sample size in this study, we constructed curves with 10th, 50th and 90th percentile values. Moors were larger than Sinhalese.

We also compared mean size of Sri Lankan newborns to that of South Indian newborns (2). Weight and head circumference were smaller in Sinhalese infants, while the Moor infants are closer to the mean values of the South Indian newborns. All Sri Lankan children were longer than South Indian infants.



Head Circumference


  1. 1. Nanayakkara.D et al. (1998) Anthropometric measurements of Sri Lankan newborns. Ceylon J Med Sci 41:1-6. This paper is freely available.
  2. 2. Kandraju H et al. (2012) Gestational age-specific charts for anthropometry at birth for South Indian infants. Indian Ped 49(3): 199-202.

Page last modified on 9 March 2021.