Forgotten Diseases Research Foundation


Postnatal Growth

In general, Switzerland uses the WHO curves and curves created for Germany. Curves for size at birth are based on German data (1). Curves for growth in infancy through age 18 (except for head circumference are) based on WHO data. The head circumference curves are below.

The head circumference curves here were created from the first and second Zurich Longitudinal Studies (2,3). The first study gathered data from 274 healthy children from infancy to adulthood. The second study followed 309 children from infancy to adulthood. The curves here were generously provided and translated by Dr. Oskar Jenni (Children's Hospital, Zurich).

Head Circumference


  1. 1. Beiträge zur Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes Referenzperzentile für anthropometrische Maßzahlen und Blutdruck aus der Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland (KiGGS). Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin. Full text of report and curves (German).
  2. 2. Braegger C. et al. (2011) Neue Wachstumskurven für die Schweiz. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung 92(7): 229-231. Full text (German).
  3. 3. Braegger C. et al. (2011) Nouvelles courbes de croissance pour la Suisse. Bulletin des médecins suisses 92(7): 229-231. Full text (French)

Page last modified on 18 April 2022.